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GA4 Sessions Explained - BigQuery & Basics

How do GA4 Sessions work? We'll cover the basics and then apply to that to BigQuery.

September 26, 2024
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4 Steps for SEO reporting for C-Suite & Leadership

The reports for your SEO leadership team aren't the same as the ones you should be using every day.

July 10, 2024
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How to Useful SEO Reports

Need to report on SEO and not sure where to get started? We'll talk you through the whole process and point you to some example templates to boot.

June 20, 2024
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Free Search Console Looker Studio Template + Setup Guide

We've got a free Looker Studio template to help you escape the Search Console interface. Dive on in.

May 24, 2024
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Free SEO Looker Studio Dashboards + Setup Guide

Need something to get going with? We've got free templates to get you started on your journey to better reporting.

May 14, 2024
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How to reduce Search Console data limits and get 4x the data

How can we get all of our data out of Search Console? Particularly when it samples.

April 29, 2024
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How to join GA4 and Search Console data

Revenue per keyword? Sessions broken down by brand? We can get both of those by joining our SC and GA data together.

April 29, 2024
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What are the practical differences between UA and GA4 (Dims & Metrics)

Can we just compare sessions, page views and conversions from GA4 and UA? Are medium and source still the same thing?

March 3, 2024
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How to merge GA4 & UA in Looker Studio?

How can we merge GA4 and UA in Looker Studio? Depending on which metric you might need to make some adjustments to have it all work.

March 3, 2024
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Why are there data discrepancies between Search Console & Looker Studio.

Why doesn’t my Search Console data doesn’t match Looker Studio numbers?

February 26, 2024
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What’s the difference between URL and Site Reporting in Search Console?

Why doesn’t my Search Console data doesn’t match Looker Studio numbers?

February 26, 2024
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Google's One Stop Shop SERP

Slowly more and more of the searcher journey is going to take place on Google. What can you do about it?

November 7, 2023
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Why is my Looker Studio dashboard slow and how can I make it faster?

Why is your Looker Studio dashboard slow and how can we speed it up? Too many data sources, too much data processing, endless charts, and heavy formatting all sorts of things could be preventing you.

August 17, 2023
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How to Win Featured Snippets and Set Expectations

Want to win featured snippets? Do you also want to not over estimate what is possible and spend a lot of time and money on a snippet you can't win?

July 13, 2023
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The 5 most common problems we’ve seen with GA4 migrations

Still on that GA4 migration? Here are the most common problems we've seen with people going through migrations.

June 16, 2023
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GA4 Migration - Setting up the backend

We've seen a fair few GA4 migrations. If you're still looking to migrate here are some helpful steps to think about when doing it.

May 16, 2023
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Cross Filtering in Looker Studio. It's incredible.

Are you wondering what's missing from your dashboard? It's probably cross filtering. If you're building a dashboard in Looker Studio (or any other BI tool), please consider it.

April 19, 2023
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How To Build a Great Organic Rank Tracking Dashboard

Are you putting together a rank tracking dashboard? Are you wondering what a good one looks like? We can help.

March 29, 2023
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DIY Unit Testing for SEO

Keeping track of everything happening on large websites is hard, even for large teams. Unit tests help to keep it under control, but they sit in the tech team. How can we re-create something close to a unit/integration test?

October 22, 2021
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Notes on building the search console data downloader

The only thing better than Search Console, is getting all your data from Search Console. This post describes details of building the search console data downloading tool.

September 4, 2021
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Search Console Data Downloader

This is a tool for downloading day by day data from search console.

June 04 2020